Rothschild scammer hele verden med hoved bankerne der begynder at stjæle via ulovlige indkomst skat. Så bruger de pengene bla på at købe landet Israel. Rothschild skaber zionisterne og bruger Hitler der arbejder for rothschild bankerne til at få skabt FN der er ejet privat af Rockefeller og : Rothschild.. . Og her er vi nu..
Go jul
Kenneth O'Keefe - BBC HardTalk, 2010 (VOSTFR)
Kenneth O'Keefe Palestine Flotilla activist's full interview with BBC HARDtalk (June 2010)
status julen 2023
status julen 2023
2020 was the year of "the great reset" aka a Royal Nazi Global Military Dictatorship
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.