Coments to Alex Jones from me - for when he delete and censor me again

Made to fight the new world elite that has already begun the killing of the entire World Population
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Coments to Alex Jones from me - for when he delete and censor me again

Post by pacman »

Coments to Alex Jones from me - for when he delete and censor me again (posted at
Isn't it "funny" how Alex Jones can keep calling Michael Jackson for a pedophile without ANY proof, but a Talmud jew like Trump who got his wife and prostitutes from his good friend for more than 10 years, Jeffery Epstein, a REAL pedophile connection to the deep state? Lets just call him "Gods chosen one" and censor everyone and fire David Knight for just knowing about this.... WHICH GOD DO INFOWARS SERVE, THE ANSWER IS SATAN ! pacsteam org


This is only one, yes, the first one I wanted to backup, maybe for later use - But I am sure there will be more . . .
2020 was the year of "the great reset" aka a Royal Nazi Global Military Dictatorship
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.
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