hate speech is if you do not LOVE Israel and EVERYTHING they do

Made to fight the new world elite that has already begun the killing of the entire World Population
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hate speech is if you do not LOVE Israel and EVERYTHING they do

Post by pacman »

hate speech is if you do not LOVE Israel and EVERYTHING they do

faKebook / pedo-murder-book just called the TRUTH for "hate speech" once again.... You can call the people of Gaza animals and pigs ALL you want, but if you speak out about DIRT, some LAND, the place called ISRAEL you call people "less than human"??? Ok, yeah, well sure: When the psychos in charge of Israel kill MILLIONS faKebook want you to shut up and LOVE the murder, LOVE the genocide, LOVE the LGBTQ+ pedophiles and war criminals, if you do not LOVE EVIL everything you say is "hate speech" according to faKebook's Nazi burning the post and topics actions.

Lets take a look at the FACTS again, shall we?:

Israel ONLY exist to house PEDOPHILES and WAR CRIMINALS safely for later use by the military industrial complex, also known as the new world order.

History repeat:

If you think it is fiction, think again:

Rothschild own Israel:

Gaza the start of global DEMOCIDE:

Let me make it simple: God do NOT write OR sell books - PERIOD !!!

So when a free-masonic death cult create a system to kill everyone, all the religions go like "its gods plan" when they read the death cults writings.... you got to be kidding me....

ALL mainstream religions are SLAVERY. Study the old Aztec cultures and Pagan traditions with public shows of human sacrifice. especially the children. These Egyptian and Babylonian sun-cults behind all this "to prevent climate change" or "to make the sun come back" during the eclipse, are the same family cults behind ALL the major mainstream religions on this planet, including the state as a religion -Please note, I did not say state religion. Divide and conquer, order out of chaos is what this strategy is all about in order for us to give up all our freedoms, and then reach their goal of ripping our children away from us. Lets take an example: As a Christian you go to church, watch a dying man on a cross, go to the alter in order to drink his blood and eat his flesh - I mean... COME ON, THIS IS FREEMASONIC / SATANIC EVIL PEOPLE, if you expose your children to this crap, you should be locked away PERIOD !!!


Michael Tsarion - 2012: The Future of Mankind (2006)

the pineal gland, the subconscious and universal information

George Carlin On Religion

please check out my latest project, it cover some of this: http://pacsteam.org/viewforum.php?f=15


History repeat:

If you think it is fiction, think again:

Rothschild own Israel:

Gaza the start of global DEMOCIDE:
2020 was the year of "the great reset" aka a Royal Nazi Global Military Dictatorship
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.
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