Made to fight the new world elite that has already begun the killing of the entire World Population
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Re: when a picture says EVERYTHING - WE ARE UNDER DEMOCIDE

Post by pacman »

2020 was the year of "the great reset" aka a Royal Nazi Global Military Dictatorship
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.
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Re: when a picture says EVERYTHING - WE ARE UNDER DEMOCIDE

Post by pacman »

PERFECT for my "family" that is totally Satanic to the core:

2020 was the year of "the great reset" aka a Royal Nazi Global Military Dictatorship
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.
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Re: when a picture says EVERYTHING - WE ARE UNDER DEMOCIDE

Post by pacman »

2020 was the year of "the great reset" aka a Royal Nazi Global Military Dictatorship
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.
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Re: when a picture says EVERYTHING - WE ARE UNDER DEMOCIDE

Post by pacman »

2020 was the year of "the great reset" aka a Royal Nazi Global Military Dictatorship
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.
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Re: when a picture says EVERYTHING - WE ARE UNDER DEMOCIDE

Post by pacman »

2020 was the year of "the great reset" aka a Royal Nazi Global Military Dictatorship
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.
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Re: when a picture says EVERYTHING - WE ARE UNDER DEMOCIDE

Post by pacman »

2020 was the year of "the great reset" aka a Royal Nazi Global Military Dictatorship
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.
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Re: when a picture says EVERYTHING - WE ARE UNDER DEMOCIDE

Post by pacman »

I edited a picture from another topic, but faKebook updated the page so I can't find it any more... guess I just have to post it here them....

2020 was the year of "the great reset" aka a Royal Nazi Global Military Dictatorship
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.
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Re: when a picture says EVERYTHING - WE ARE UNDER DEMOCIDE

Post by pacman »

2020 was the year of "the great reset" aka a Royal Nazi Global Military Dictatorship
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.
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Re: when a picture says EVERYTHING - WE ARE UNDER DEMOCIDE

Post by pacman »


In this universe, everything is possible - and I do mean EVERYTHING !!!

You can not create something out of nothing, energy is FOREVER, the whole idea of a SINGLE, ONE big bang is absurd.

The universe and our spirit is FOREVER, energy do not go away EVER

Life is universal and all over

What if?

The "None Dare Call it Conspiracy Clips" Project

the pineal gland, the subconscious and universal information
2020 was the year of "the great reset" aka a Royal Nazi Global Military Dictatorship
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.
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Re: when a picture says EVERYTHING - WE ARE UNDER DEMOCIDE

Post by pacman »


Chem-trails is the term used to discredit REAL things by the evil ones. If you want to KNOW, you have to search for the REAL terms like "geoengineering" and "aerosol spraying" to find the patents and science articles.

Toxic Skies / Containment - true story, made as a TV movie in 2008 :

https://sflix.to/watch-movie/free-toxic ... 62.5488630


2020 was the year of "the great reset" aka a Royal Nazi Global Military Dictatorship
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.
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