Do something good today. Think.
1.Join OCA's Campaign to Mobilize One Million Consumers to End Monsanto's Global Corporate Terrorism ( ... t-monsanto )
2. Things are not what they seem
3. Stop Corporate Abuse ( ... ge1095.cfm )
4. Mercury in energy-saving light bulbs: ... bulbs.html
I did this alot years ago - nice to see others do it too
I did this alot years ago - nice to see others do it too
When I uploaded a project to torrent back in the days, I would always ad some kind of anti new world order message to my packs. Now I see more and more doing to same like eg. this one for a mainstream TV show - GOOD JOB GUYS, KEEP IT UP !!!
2020 was the year of "the great reset" aka a Royal Nazi Global Military Dictatorship
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.
by the UN / NATO elite, using the COVID19 hoax to take EVERYTHING away.
When I was a child, people wrote stories about artificial intelligence that did not exist
- In the near future, artificial intelligence will write stories about humanity that does not exist.